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The Seed Academy

The Seed Academy supports children who have faced abuse and have difficulty learning. They are dedicated to creating homes, providing education, and training these children, so they can later make positive changes in their communities.

the seed academy

Almost immediately, a team of experts eagerly stepped up to support this noble cause. Experts in product, UX/UI & graphic design, development, photography, and videography dedicated their time to branding, designing experiences, and building a website.

You can check out the results yourself at https://theseedacademy.live/. We’ve created an experience we hope will assist those who want to support these incredible children—whether by donating to help buy building materials or contributing their own skills to teach the kids.

Contact us.

We’ll help bring your vision to life! Ready to turn your ideas into reality? Reach out to TRL through any of the channels below.

Email Us:

Drop us a line at support@theroaringlion.co.uk for inquiries, collaboration proposals, or to simply say hello! Our inbox is always open, and we’re ready to discuss how we can help bring your ideas to life.